Guidance notes
Here are some written instructions on how to add a document library to your site, or if you prefer, there is a video guide at the bottom of this page.
You can expand the screenshots by clicking on them. Tips are given in italics.
These notes assume you are already logged into the CMS.
The document library is used when there are lots of files or folders, or you will be adding more over time. It is more dynamic and offers better functionality then using text based hyperlinks to documents.
The document library points at a specific folder within the File Manager. To add new files to it, you simply add them to the relevant folder and they will appear automatically on the page where the Document Library is displayed.
- Click on ‘Edit Mode’ in the top left of the toolbar
- Then left click on 'Add Content'
- Select ‘Document Library’ bock from the list of block types
You can use the search box to easily find the block you are looking for.
- In the Document Library editor, select the folder you would like to display files from. This can be a parent folder with subfolders. All of the folders will appear within the document library block for users to choose or search from
You can also enable a simple file search function for your users:
- Click in the 'Header' tab
- Select 'Enable Search'
- You can also go to 'Sort by' and select how the files should be ordered from a number of options here
To customise the order of the files, you can select File Tree. Then in the the File Manager, select File Tree from the right hand dashboard menu. You will now be able to reorder the files in the same way you can reorder pages in the site map, using drag and drop
- Click on the 'Results' tab to choose additional options
- For example to give the library a title - add it under 'Table Name'
- You can limit the number of files shown and select 'Display pagination interface' to prevent the page from becoming too large
- Amend the display properties using the check box field. For example, you may want to set 'File name' and 'Size' to 'Do not display'
- Click 'Add' to save the block