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The Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) secured funding from the Department of Health and Social Care
to develop a world leading ‘go-to’ digital suicide prevention resource, ZSA Resources, for NHS professionals and leaders working across all sectors engaged with or influenced by suicide prevention.

This resource aims to provide stakeholders across a range of sectors with accessible mental health information to support them in suicide prevention, signpost professionals to role specific learning events and materials on suicide prevention, whilst being relevant for professionals working with children and young people, adults and older adults.


Screenshot 2021-04-09 at 13.44.55.pngFrank undertook a national scoping exercise focusing on user journey, search attributes and website design. Attendees were from a variety of backgrounds, including people with lived experience and representatives from Ambulance, Fire and Rescue, Police, NHS, Education, Suicide Prevention leads and third sector organisations. Persona based user stories were explored in these sessions to understand the reasons for going to the website and the problems they would be trying to solve. General themes emerged from these sessions that helped define the UI, UX, Site Map and Search.

All site photography sourced for the site was based on stakeholder feedback about positive and realistic imagery and all resources available analysed. Recommendations were made about about how to present the information which resulted in an easy to use advanced search function, grouping information by audience, resource and delivery type.

The new ZSA public facing website went live in May 2020, followed by the ZSA Resources microsite (including an interactive map showing social risk factors for suicide) in June.