We work with a wide range of clients to deliver solutions to business challenges that improve productivity, reduce cost and wastage, and offer real benefits to clients.  

We can support you to better understand your challenges and maximise the opportunities offered by digital innovation. We can also provide project resource to support client-side activities. 

Services include:

  • Business analysis – requirements definition and realisation
  • Bespoke web based solutions developed to work for you
  • Persona development- used to develop and test design, functionality and navigation 
  • Site map development - current state audit and facilitated redevelopment session
  • Content audit and editing
  • Current and future state process mapping (business process improvement)
  • Benefits management and business case development


  • Improved user and staff satisfaction 
  • Increase operational efficiency 
  • Reduction in operational costs (e.g. through the automation of processes)
  • Reduction in paper transactions (e.g. through online solutions)

Visit our NHS web designers page to find out more about our design and development work with the NHS.