Here are some written instructions on how to see the number of downloads a file has.

Unlike page analytics, which are usually tracked through Google Analytics, these file statistics are accessible through the CMS.

You can expand the screenshots by clicking on them. Tips are given in italics.

These notes assume you are already logged into the CMS.

  • Go to the 'File Manager' and locate the file that you need statistics for
  • Right-click on the file and select 'Properties'
  • In the Properties popup, click on the 'Statistics' tab 
  • Here you will see:
    • The total number of downloads
    • All recent downloads sorted by the most recent, detailing who downloaded it, the time it was downloaded, and the version downloaded
  • If users have to login to access the website, it will show their username as having downloaded the file. If it says 'Anonymous', this means that the user wasn't logged in, but just browsing the website - this will be the case for the majority of downloads on public-facing websites