
Once the website has been built, populated with content and tested by Frank, the client undertakes User Acceptance Testing (UAT). UAT is used to confirm that the website will meet the needs of the user. It is the final check before a website goes live.

UAT will confirm:

  • Everything works functionally (e.g. blocks work correctly, filters & searches return what you expect them to, display is appropriate on different screen size etc.)
  • Content is correct and relevant (e.g. there are no broken links, empty pages etc.)

Testers are given “scripts” to complete – these are tasks to undertake on the site to ensure they can be completed as expected.

Testers can also be asked to give their overall feedback / impressions of the site. They may identify things that were out of scope of the original project, but this could be used for future developments.

Testers usually represent general users and then a smaller group represents administrators of the system (e.g. to ensure the back end works as expected).