As a supported client you have access to our dedicated support e-mail:

Your request will be received by the Frank Support Team and you will be sent an automated e-mail acknowledgement.  All support requests must be sent to the supported e-mail address, as we do not accept any requests that are sent through Basecamp or directly to team members. This ensures that you request will be logged appropriately, as our mailbox is monitored within business hours.  This is especially important if the request is urgent, where an individual member of the Frank team could be out of the office or engaged with other work.

Requests are prioritised largely on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. However, we may need to prioritise urgent or business-critical requests on occasion.  Small requests (less than 30 mins) are usually undertaken quickly.  For certain types of work, or more in-depth requests, we may need to schedule it in advance.  This will depend on the nature of the request, should it require specialist resource for example. 

For medium sized requests, we will estimate the time required and contact the client for their authorisation to use the time. We have support slots available every day and your support request will be scheduled in to the nearest available slot. You will be informed of the scheduled date and provided with an expected date for completion. Once your request has been completed, you will be notified and asked to approve any changes before we consider your request closed.

A very large request maybe considered as a "project".  It might require design input, a project manager and more significant build time.  If this is the case, we will let you know who will manage this process, so requirements can be understood and a cost estimate provided. 

Frank Support Process Flow

  1. Start
  2. Client emails support via
  3. Client has Support contract/hours remaining? No = Client to raise Purchase Order (PO).  Wait for PO & schedule availability.  Yes = proceed to step 3
  4. Receipt of support request acknowledged via email
  5. Support triage request.  Developer estimates job if required
  6. Size of request? Small = proceed to step 9.  Medium = proceed to step 7.  Large = Project process initiated
  7. Request scheduled
  8. Client advised of scheduled date
  9. Development completed
  10. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) required? Yes = Client completes UAT and approves.  No = proceed to step 11.
  11. Change promoted to live
  12. Client advised and approves completion
  13. Time recorded
  14. End